Who Are We?
Known Mental Health Damage
Dirty Laundry (The Crimes a Country Tried to Hide)
Trafficking Babies into Forced Adoption
Open Letter to Premier Gladys Berejiklian
NSW Parliamentary Inquiry
How the Senate Inquiry was Got
Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoption
Marion's Story
5th Anniversary Apology Speech for Forced Adoption
Origins Symposium and Book Launch
Dr Rickarby's PTSD Research Paper
Dian Wellfare Founder of Origins
The Greatest Swindle
Origins Web Sites
Art Sale of Lina Eve
Forgotten Australians HARP
Australian Adoptee Site
Dyethelstilboestrol (DES)
Rapid Adoption Register
Dr Trish Farrar's Thesis
Critique of the National Apology
Senate Inquiry Site
Wake Up Little Suzie
Civil Rights Crimes
A Father Speaks on Forced Adoption
Rebbecca's Law
Who Are We?
Origins International
Time Line
Smashed by Adoption
Origins Response to AIFS Report
Adoption Crimes and Breaches
Mental Health Damage
Stories and Poetry
Life's Journey Project
Fathers Speak Out
Fathers Response to AIFS Report
Dian's Portrait
Rememberance Page
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SW Sydney Stolen Generations
Search Guide
Senate Inquiry Petition
Apologies Site
Origins Office Opening
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Our Documentary
Origins Benchmark for 'Forced Adoption' Apologies


Who or what is Origins?

The Evolution of Origins - Our History

Our Achievements - NSW Inquiry into Illegal Adoption Practices - A World Precedent

Our Aims and Objectives

Our History (Australia)

Thank you for taking the interest to visit our Home Page. Before I introduce you to our organization, Origins Inc., I would like to acknowledge that without the tremendous work carried out by national organizations such as Adoption Triangle, ARMS, Jigsaw and others who lobbied and fought hard to change adoption legislation that enabled mothers and children access to identifying information, our own organization, Origins Inc., may not have evolved. As it was the hope that we may finally be permitted to meet the children born to us that became the key to our freedom. It allowed many of us to begin facing the nightmare of our past and to begin seeing clearly for the first time.

Had legislation not been passed, we may never have been prompted to delve into and uncover the illicit activities of the adoption industry - and history would have continued to write of the decades between the 1950's and 1980's as being the only period in the history of humankind where young mothers defied nature itself and 'willingly' surrendered their own newborns en-masse to strangers.

Origins Inc. Was founded in 1995 by a small group of mothers who, having lost their children to adoption, were being continuously re-traumatised each time so-called experts and health professional minimised and invalidated the severe emotional anguish, trauma, and grief left in the wake of their adoption experience, assuming that we, as mothers, should have accepted the loss of our living babies - as if it were possible to do that.

Along with the perpetual violation we felt in having so-called adoption professionals and others justifying and exonerating themsleves of their own complicity in this scandalous practice, that had preyed upon our vunerable state when we were too young, and too oppressed to know how to fight this wicked system, by hearing adoption of newborns now being referred to as a social phenomenon of a social era that is passed - rather than the illicit raping of babies from their mothers that it was - we decided enough was enough.

With everyone adroitly avoiding the truth, at our expense, we realised that by remaining silent we had inadvertantly become the "keepers of the lie" and we knew that until mothers began speaking out publically about our abusive and inhuman treatment - the myths, lies and deceit upon which adoption has thrived, would continue to harm the emotional well-being of our children, and we as their mothers would be colluding in our own abuse.

Having researched, we discovered that losing our babies had been entirely avoidable had our legal rights not been contravened. So we made the illicit adoption practices the focal point of our organisation. The law was the only weapon we had to force people to bother to listen to us, and not continue to minimise and dismiss our plight. It was really our cry for acknowledgement of the trauma we were experiencing as a result of these practices.

We have uncovered much more than we originally intended to.

Reading this Home Page will open your eyes to what will come to be seen as a shocking, socially engineered programme of separating babies from their mothers at birth. Having nothing whatsoever to do with the interest of the newborn infant.

The adoption of infants at birth has been a socially contrived - sanctioned evil designed to control illegitimacy at the expense of both mother and child.


Our Aims And Objectives.

Support: 'Providing frontline counselling and support services to people affected by forced adoption".

Also to provide confidential support and information through:
a telephone service available to people separated by adoption and regular support meetings where mothers have the freedom to speak and be heard in a safe place.

Healing: To promote the process of healing the emotional damage caused by adoption separation and and secrecy.

Reunion: To assist in the reunion of family members separated by adoption.

Awareness: To promote community awareness and understanding of the lifelong consequences and social issues associated with adoption separation.

Research: To encourage and promote research in to the mental health consequences and social issues associated with adoption.

Redress: To seek acknowledgement, validation, accountability and redress for negligent adoption practices.

Reform: To encourage and promote legislative, social and administrative reforms that address the needs of the people already separated by adoption, and which promote systems of secure, alternative child care that respect the ongoing needs and dignity of both mother and child as an alternative to permanent separation

Liason: To liase with any Government departments or other agency, body or individual who may assist in promoting the aims and objectives of Origins.

Newsletter: To offer our members a quarterly newsletter.


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